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An assessment centre is often the final stage of the recruitment process. It is an opportunity for you to find out more about the company and role, and for the company to 'assess' you and decide if you would be a good fit for them. Most large graduate recruiters include assessment centres as part of their recruitment process, typically lasting one or two days. As with interviews, a key to success is preparation and presenting yourself in a positive way.

See also selection tests - individual tasks

Download our guide to virtual assessment centres and listen to our YouTube playlist

This video introduces the types of assessment activities at are used in assessment centres and why they might be used for assessment:

Group exercises

An assessment centre is likely to involve some form of group exercise with other candidates - this might be a practical task or taking part in some form of discussion. It gives the employer the chance to see how you interact and work with others. During Michaelmas, our employer-led skills sessions include sessions on assessment centres. These sessions are run by graduate employers.

This is about good team work. Assessors will be looking at:

  • the quality of your contribution and involvement in the task
  • your ability to make your point and achieve results
  • how you listen to and encourage others.

An effective team is made up of a variety of roles, and candidates will each have their different strengths to bring to the group. To ensure that candidates are assessed fairly in a group exercise, assessors are assigned to observe maybe one or two at most, so your contribution (both verbal and non-verbal) will be noted at all times.

This video gives helpful information on succeeding in group activities in assessment centres:

LinkedIn Learning

You may also be interested in the Managing Career Development learning path, curated by Personal and Professional Development, in LinkedIn Learning which focuses on the key stages of thinking about and proactively managing your career.