Reasonable adjustments must be made to working conditions or the workplace to enable or assist a disabled person to do a job...Equalities Act 2010
Most adjustments are either free or very cheap to put in place. Some are just about understanding the way you prefer to work.
To work out what adjustments you may need:
- Start with adjustments you may have had at school or university and think about whether they are appropriate in the new working environment.
- Research the activities you'll be doing day to day in the workplace and consider what you might need to do those activities well
- Consider the work environment - sensory sensitivities may require adjustments
Adjustments will vary from person to person and this list is by no means exhaustive. Depending on the disability you might request:
- The use of a sign language interpreter
- Material in large print or alternative formats
- More time for an interview/written/psychometric tests
- An advance visit to familiarise yourself with the office/rooms in which the interview will take place
- A larger screen PC for written tests
- Flexible working hours, some work to be done from home, an afternoon interview slot
- More time in verbal interviews (this can help candidates with dyspraxia, or slower processing or those who stammer, who may take slightly longer to "settle their nerves" at the start of interviews. Simple questions on familiar CV areas can help).
Simply understanding from colleagues that your disability is part of who you are - Often adjustments just mean a subtle shift in attitude or understanding. You might miss social cues, prefer small teams over large ones, need instructions in writing with clear bullet points rather than just verbal instruction. Some neurodiverse people need breaks from their desk, an area to pace while thinking, or sensory adjustments to light or noise.
Some adjustments take time to arrange so always let the employer know of your requirements in plenty of time. Ask for adjustments in a positive, rather than in a defensive or demanding, way. This is simply you working with your employer on something that will enhance your ability to do a good job for them.
There are some guides to common adjustments people ask for in these guides
Reasonable adjustments - Neurodiversity
Explaining your mental health condition to others
Meet with a Careers Consultant - sometimes it helps to talk through a job description with a Careers Consultant to work through what you might need and how to ask for it.