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The aim of the Career Essentials programme is to aid our clients to:

  • utilise core career planning strategies;
  • understand the labour market;
  • define and practice recruitment processes to achieve progression.

We advise our clients to access these resources before booking an appointment in order to maximise your time spent with a Careers Consultant.

Our Career Essentials programme is made up of recorded resources, which can be found on the Cambridge Careers Service YouTube Channel. Check back regularly for new content, and take a look at the video descriptions for additional resources from the Careers Service and beyond.

In addition to our recorded sessions we also run Q&As and live sessions. You can view the events calendar and book on to an event via your Handshake account.



Building Your Network series

The 'Building Your Network' series supports you to identify and utilise networks to support career planning.

Sessions available in this series:

Enhancing your Handshake profile to build your network

How to make the most of a (virtual) careers fair

Interacting with employers in a virtual world

Creating your Cambridge network & using it effectively

Using LinkedIn

These topics are often covered in our recorded resources in the Building Your Network playlist on the Cambridge Careers Service YouTube Channel. We also run Q&As and live sessions for some of these topics. You can view the events calendar and book on to an event via your Handshake account

There is another video on using LinkedIn under the "Using LinkedIn to connect with alumni and enhance your job search" tab.

Get Recruitment Ready programme

The aim of our 'Get Recruitment Ready’ programme is to enable clients to recognise the qualities of a competitive applicant, practice recruitment processes and evaluate their performance to modify practice.

Topics in this series include:

Succeeding at assessment centres

Successful CVs

Cover Letters & Personal Statements

Successful application forms

Get ready for Interviews

Kickstart your Job Search

These topics are often covered in our recorded resources in the Get Recruitment Ready playlist on the Cambridge Careers Service YouTube Channel. We also run Q&As and live sessions for some of these topics. You can view the events calendar and book on to an event via your Handshake account.

You can also find useful information on recruitment practicalities through our webpages, including:

Career Planning Tools programme

The aim of our 'Career Planning Tools' programme is to enable clients to recognise and utilise a variety of tools to support them in exploring viable career options. 

Topics in this series include: 

Employer insights into work experience, industry insights and skills 

I don’t know what I want to do, where do I start? 

Developing your skills at Cambridge 

How to find an internship 

Adapting your job search in uncertain labour markets 

How do I know an employer is right for me? 

Creating a personal brand and marketing your skills 

You, Your Degree and the Skills Employers want to see

These topics are often covered in our recorded resources in the Career Planning Tools playlist on the Cambridge Careers Service YouTube Channel. We also run Q&As and live sessions for some of these topics. You can view the events calendar and book on to an event via your Handshake account. Handshake also offer a 'Self-Reflection Toolkit' resource which may prove helpful. 

You can also find useful information on career planning through our webpages, including: 


Postgraduate Study programme

The aim of our 'Postgraduate Study' programme is to enable clients to evaluate postgraduate study options and create competitive applications. 

Topics in this series include: 

Postgraduate study options 

Making successful applications for postgraduate study 

Most of these topics are covered in our recorded resources in the Postgraduate Study playlist on the Cambridge Careers Service YouTube Channel. We also run Q&As and live sessions for some of these topics. You can view the events calendar and book on to an event via your Handshake account

You can also find further useful information on postgraduate study